Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom For Sale.
Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom For Sale. Golden instructor mushroom is a hallucinogenic species that is also known as psilocybe cubensis. Psilocin and psilocybin are two of the most important active components of psychedelic. Golden instructor mushrooms strain has been a perennial favourite among cultivators. Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom For Sale
Golden teacher mushrooms are favoured by both Cultivators and Psychonauts because to their rapid growth and intense psychedelic effects, respectively. The Psilocybe cubensis species is widely dispersed and relatively simple to grow at home. This is why this species is one of the most popular psilocybin mushrooms. Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom For Sale
Golden Teacher Specs:
Potency | Above Average |
Cultivation | Easy |
Species | Psilocybe cubensis |
Suggested Substrate | Brown Rice Flour + Vermiculite (BRF Tek) |
Cost | $ |
Sold By | Ralphsters Spores, Sporeworks, Spores 101 |
History of Golden Teacher Mushroom
Franklin named this species Stropharia cubensis for the very first time in Cuba in 1906. Nearly one year later, in Tonkin, Narcisse Theophile named it as Naematoloma. William Alphonse Murrill gave it the name Stropharia cyanescens in Florida in 1941. In the middle of the 1980s, it was subsequently given the name Psilocybe cubensis. Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom For Sale.
This knowledge travelled rapidly due to their resemblance to a yellow hat. In compared to other varieties of psilocybe cubensis, they are elegant and rather big. Psilocybe is derived from the Greek term psilos, which denotes a creature with a bald head, whereas the meaning of Cubensis is drawn straight from Cuba. Due to their form, some strains of Psilocybe cubensis are popularly referred to as penis envy.
Where Do Golden Teacher Mushroom Come From?
It is one of the most well-liked psychedelic mushrooms among both producers and consumers. Numerous characteristics of golden instructor mushrooms contribute significantly to their appeal. Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom For Sale
Due to its aura of mystique, growers regard Psilocybe cubensis strains as particularly unique. The precise origin of golden instructor mushrooms is unclear, however they are easily identifiable. Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom For Sale
How Do Golden Teacher Mushroom Look Like?
The fruiting structure of golden teacher fungi consists of a partly covered cap with a golden or yellowish-colored core. This cap is more refined and bigger than any other kind of psilocybe cubensis.
The diameter of their caps may reach up to 8 cm. Their structure is comprised of a hollow, base-thickened stipe. Golden instructors have gills that may range from white to reddish brown.
Dosage of Golden Teacher Shrooms
A recommended dosage for dried golden teacher mushroom is ranged between 1 gram and 2.5 grams. This amount of dose could be small for regular and experienced shroomers but it allows a margin of error for new people who have never used these fungi. If you are still worried about the dosage, you can use EROWID’s mushroom dosage calculator.
Characteristics of Golden Teacher Mushroom
The first flush will yield golden instructor mushrooms of average size, but subsequent flushes will provide flatter and bigger specimens. When GTs reach maturity, their caps become quite unremarkable.
They produce fewer fruit than other Psilocybe cubensis, but the good news is that they are able to thrive even under optimum circumstances. New cultivators and growers like and cultivate them more often because to this characteristic.
How Can You Grow Golden Teacher Mushroom at Home?
I have mentioned two different techniques which you can adopt to grow golden teacher mushrooms at your home.
1) Growing Golden Teachers using Grow Kit
You can use the golden teacher shrooms grow kit. It is the best method for growers who want quick results. While using these grow kits, you must be familiar with these instructions. Famous mushrooms dealer Magic Mushroom Shop offers two different types of grow kits as given below.
- Fresh Mushroom XP mushroom grow kits
- Mondo/MycoMate mushroom grow kit
2) Growing Golden Teacher using Spores
The second strategy involves using golden teacher spores. It is the best alternative for those who really want a customised growing method in order to maximise production. Spore-based culture is regarded as an advanced cultivation approach. Advanced culture involves growing without mycelium, i.e., from scratch. There are a variety of spore forms, as listed below.
- Syringes
- Vials, and
- Prints
The major advantage associated with the growth of golden teacher mushroom using spores is it saves money (cost-effective technique). Moreover, you can maximize your yield by optimizing the conditions.
Effects of Golden Teacher Mushroom
As a result of their somewhat enhanced psychedelic effects, golden instructors are regarded as an entry point for beginners. In addition to tripping, its spiritual impacts and shamanistic features have contributed to their rising popularity.
After ingesting golden instructor mushrooms, you will begin to experience enlightenment. They facilitate your connection to nature. Their name is also derived from their unique mental healing qualities.
Step by Step Guide to Grow Golden Teacher Mushroom
If you are planning to grow golden teacher shrooms, you must be well aware of the ingredients required for their proper growth.
Equipment Required
You need special equipment for their growth as given below.
- Strainer
- Perlite
- Small nail
- Hammer
- Bowl for mixing
- Micropore tape
- Cup for measurement
- Tinfoil (heavy duty)
- Bottle for mist spray
- 10 paper towels (or small towel)
- Twelve shoulderless jars with lids (half print)
- Transparent plastic storage box (50 to 115 liters)
- Big cooking pot having a tight lid (it is required for steaming)
- Drill (with 0.25 inches drill bit)
Here I am providing you the necessary ingredients to grow golden teacher mushroom.
- Drinking water
- Organic rice flour (brown colored)
- Vermiculite (fine/medium), and
- Spore syringes (10 to 12 cc)
Hygiene Supplies
- Air sanitizers
- Disinfectant (for surface)
- Rubbing alcohol
- Surgical mask
- Propane or butane torch lighter
- Latex gloves (sterilized), and
- Glovebox or still air
The surgical mask, sterilized latex gloves, and glove box or still air are optional things whereas all others are necessary.
Important Instructions
You should always keep in mind the following instructions.
- Prepare substrate of water, brown rice flour, and vermiculite.
- Divide this substrate among glass jars.
- Put some spores and wait for the development of mycelium.
- After four to five weeks, you can transfer the substrate to the fruiting section.
- Wait until your mushrooms start to grow.
Though you do not need a lot of space but your environment should be as clean as possible. You must spray sanitizer, brush your teeth, take a bath, wear clean clothes, disinfect your surfaces and equipment carefully.
Step 1: Preparation
This phase consists of multiple steps including preparing jars and substrate, filling jars, steam sterilize, and cooling. I have explained all these steps below to have a better understanding.
Preparing Jars
- Disinfect hammer and nail with alcohol.
- Make four holes in the lid with the help of a nail and a hammer.
Preparing Substrate
- For every jar, take 1/4 cup of water and 2/3 cup of vermiculite and mix them in a bowl.
- Use a disinfected strainer to drain excess water.
- For each half print jar, add 1/4 cup of brown rice flour to a bowl and combine it with (moist) vermiculite.
Filling Jars
- Do not completely fill the jars instead maintain a little space at the top to avoid filling them so tightly.
- Sterilize the top with the help of alcohol.
- Introduce dry vermiculite for the insulating substrate from contaminants.
Steam Sterilize
- Tightly close the lid
- Use tin foil to cover the jars and secure foil edges for preventing the condensation process through the holes.
- Place paper towels in the cooking pot and put all the jars on the top and make sure that they are not touching the base.
- Add some tap water halfway up the corners of the jars and start boiling it slowly.
- Put a tightly fitted lid on a pot and just leave for steam for about 75 to 90 minutes.
You can also use a pressure cooker for this purpose. It will take around one hour at 15 PSI.
Allowing to Cool
- Once the steaming is done, just leave the jars (covered from foil) in a pot for multiple hours at night.
- Keep them at room temperature before you proceed.
Step 2: Inoculation
This phase has also two different steps e.g., sanitizing and preparing syringes and injection of spores. I’ve mentioned the details below.
Preparing and Sanitizing Syringe
- Use some heating source (e.g., lighter) in order to heat the needle of your syringe until it becomes red after continuous heating.
- Allow the hot needle to get cool for some time and clean it with alcohol. Avoid it touching your hand.
- Slightly pull a plunger to evenly distribute shroom spores by shaking the syringe.
Injecting Spores
- Remove a foil from one jar and immediately inject a syringe through a hole.
- Insert 1/4 cc of spores’ solution with the help of a needle that is touching the side of the jar.
- Repeat the same process for the remaining three holes.
- Now, use micropore tape to cover the holes and set jars, and repeat this inoculation for all the jars.
Step 3: Colonization
The steps included in this phase are waiting for mycelium to develop and consolidate.
Waiting for Mycelium to Develop
Place the inoculated jars in some clean space and avoid them exposing directly to the sun.
After one or two weeks, the mycelium will start appearing. It will look like a white fluffy thing and will spread outward.
If all goes according to plan, around six jars can be successfully colonised after a month’s wait. Allow them to sit for one additional week so the mycelium may strengthen its grip on the substrate created in step 1.
Step 4: Grow Chamber Preparation
Making a shotgun fruiting chamber and adding perlite are two different steps involved in this phase of growing golden teacher mushroom. Their details are given below.
Making a Shotgun Fruiting Chamber
- Start carefully drilling 1/4 inches holes in your storage container, made up of plastic, all over the lid, sides, and base.
- After successful drilling put the box on four stable objects and arrange its corners in a way to maintain an easy flow of air.
- To prevent moisture leakage, you need to cover the bottom surface of the box.
The shotgun fruiting chamber is not even closer to the best method but it gives quicker results due to which fresh growers like this technique.
Adding Perlite
- Put perlite in the strainer and start running it under a cold tap in order to soak.
- Allow its draining until no drips are left.
- Now, spread that on the grow chamber’s base.
- Repeat this for the perlite layer (four to five inches deep).
Step 5: Fruiting
This stage consists of the birthing of the colonized substrates, dunking and rolling the cakes, transferring to grow chambers, and optimizing as well as monitoring conditions. Let’s take a look at all of them.
Birthing Colonized Cakes
- Open all the jars and remove a dry layer of vermiculite from every jar.
- Make sure that your substrate is not damaged during this process.
- Upend every jar tapping down onto the disinfected surface for releasing the cakes or substrate intact.
Dunking Cakes
- In order to remove loose vermiculite, rinse cakes one at a time under the cold tap.
- Make sure cakes are not damaged during the process.
- Put tepid water in the cooking pot and fill it completely.
- Allow the cakes to rehydrate at the room temperature for about a day.
Rolling Cakes
- Separate both the water and the cakes from each other.
- Place them over the disinfected surface.
- Put the dry vermiculite in the mixing bowl.
- To fully coat cakes in vermiculite, roll them one by one and it will help you guys to keep in moisture.
Transferring to Grow Chamber
- You should cut a squared tin foil for every cake so that can be easily placed without even touching perlite from any side.
- Put the cakes on the top and start misting the chamber with a spray bottle.
- Before you close, do not forget to fan with a lid.
Monitoring and Optimizing Conditions
- For keeping the humidity up, mist the chamber four times on a daily basis.
- Ensure that your cakes are not soaking with the water.
- Take a lid and start fanning six times on a daily basis especially, right after misting so that you can easily increase the airflow.
Step 6: Harvest
This phase consists of fruit harvesting and waiting. It is one of the most crucial phases of cultivating golden instructor mushrooms because, if everything goes well, you may optimise your harvest and increase your earnings. I’ve included the specifics below; let’s examine them in further depth.
Watching Fruits
- Here, fruits mean mushrooms (golden teacher). Before sprouting into pins, the mushrooms will start appearing as small bumps.
- You can harvest them after five to twelve days.
Picking Fruits/Mushrooms
- Once the mushrooms get ready, you can cut your mushrooms close to a cake to remove.
- You should not wait until they reach the end of their growth, it would not be a positive sign for you.
What is the Best Time to Harvest Golden Teachers?
The best and recommended time for harvesting golden teach shrooms is to harvest them before their veil breaks. At the time, they consist of covered gills as well as light caps having conical shapes.
How Long Will it take to Grow Shrooms at Home?
According to recent research studies, it may take up to 30 to 60 days to grow your golden teacher mushrooms at home.
Major Advantage of Golden Teacher Mushroom
A research was conducted in January of 2011. It was titled “Pilot Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Advanced-Stage Cancer Patients.” It has shown remarkable efficacy in treating diverse anxious people.
When searching for the largest ailment from which the majority of young and elderly people are suffering around the world. Depression and anxiety are at the top of the list. As a result, they have gained popularity as anxiety treatments for patients. If you like to read more, please click here.
Now, I’m certain that your group is well-versed on the facts about golden instructor mushrooms. I’ve done my best to cover the majority of the information you need to know about these fungi. To learn how to dry mushrooms, go here.
Here, everything is from the current article about Golden Teacher Mushroom. I hope you’ve appreciated the stuff I’ve created for you. Stay tuned for more similar informative material on our site. I will return very soon.
Golden Teacher magic mushroom grow kits
For the cultivation of mushroom grow kits, you’ll have to follow specific instructions. Keep in mind that our web shop offers two different brands:
- Mondo magic mushroom grow kits
- FreshMushroom XP magic mushroom grow kits
Are you using a heating mat? Make sure you read the updated instructions for keeping your grow kit at the right temperature.
Golden Teacher Variations & Genetic Relatives
Golden Teachers have existed for a long time and dominated the cannabis industry for decades. Numerous strains now available on the market are likely either Golden Teachers marketed as something else or Golden Teachers that have been carefully bred or crossed.
The golden-yellow crowns are the defining trait of this kind. There are quite a few strains with gold-colored caps that have a good possibility of being offshoots of this well-known mushroom, however we cannot be certain which strains originated from Golden Teachers.
Mushroom strains that feature golden caps:
- Alcabenzi
- Golden Emporer
- Guadalajara
- Yeti
How Potent Are Golden Teachers?
In terms of potency, Golden Teachers are rated above average, although there are undoubtedly more powerful strains (such as Penis Envy, B+, and Tidal Wave). A sample of Golden Teachers submitted by PsillyBoys had 0.79 percent psilocybin and 0.05 percent psilocin in the 2021 Psilocybin Cup. Other samples had less psilocin (0.52 percent and 0.01 percent).
How Long Do Golden Teachers Take To Grow?
Golden Teachers are about average in terms of how fast they grow. With the right environmental conditions (temperatures between 22 and 27ºC and humidity levels over 80%), you can expect to go from spore to harvest within two months.
Where Do Golden Teachers Get Their Name?
The true origins of Golden Teacher are unknown, but the name is believed to be derived from their golden-colored caps. The psychedelic nature and history of magic mushroom use is likely the reason behind calling these mushrooms “teachers.”
How Do I Take Golden Teacher Mushrooms?
There is no unique approach to use Golden Teachers compared to other mushrooms. You may consume fresh or dried mushrooms as-is, convert them into a tincture, or manufacture honey, chocolates, or capsules laced with psilocybin. Others choose to mash dry mushrooms with L-theanine and caffeine to create their own microdose capsules.
What’s The Dose of Golden Teachers?
Golden Teachers are often used as the baseline for comparing the dose of magic mushrooms. This means the standard dosage ranges for any Psilocybe cubensis will work for Golden Teachers:
- Microdose — 0.2–0.5 grams
- Threshold Dose — 0.5–1 gram
- Standard Psychoactive Dose — 2–3 grams
- Heroic Dose — Over 5 grams
The ideal dosage of entheogens is greatly dependent on the person (genetic variables, metabolism, size, and weight), as well as set and location (mindset, company, current mood, and environment).
For a more precise estimate based on your weight and desired experience, see our convenient dose calculator. Before ingesting Golden Teachers or any other magic mushroom strain, it is essential to pay attention to the basics of safe psychedelic usage.
Are Golden Teachers Legal?
In the majority of nations, including the United States and Canada, magic mushrooms are prohibited. Nonetheless, in recent months, Oregon, Vancouver (Canada), and a number of communities in California, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Michigan have taken steps to legalise magic mushrooms and other natural psychedelics.
In these locations, magic mushrooms are still forbidden, but crimes are no longer considered criminal – cultivation and possession often result in a fine or confiscation rather than imprisonment or a criminal record.
Spores of magic mushrooms, especially Golden Teacher spores, are legal in the United States, Canada, and Europe (with the exception of California, Georgia, and Idaho). Also available for purchase in Canada and the Netherlands are mushroom cultivation kits with live mycelium.

Final Thoughts: Golden Teacher Mushrooms
The majority of individuals who have ingested magic mushrooms nowadays are familiar with the terms “Golden Teachers” and “Golden Caps.” This is one of the most popular mushrooms on the market, and for good reason: Golden Teachers are powerful (though there are greater variants), simple to cultivate, and native to the United States.
Some experts dispute the reality of magic mushroom strains, and although it is evident that some firms are just coining new labels for mushroom genetics already in circulation, it is difficult to deny the presence of distinct mushroom phenotypes. Golden Teachers are distinguished by their high psilocybin concentration, low psilocin content, and golden-yellow caps.
Golden instructor mushrooms are what?
Golden Teacher mushrooms are one of the various psilocybe cubensis variants. This strain of psilocybin spore syringe derives its name from the golden hue of the mature mushroom caps. Their spores are deeper in hue. The Golden Teacher mushroom is distinguished by its long, twisting stems and broad, golden crowns. Golden Teacher Spore Syringe, Golden Teacher Mushrooms Spores
What is Psilocybe, the Golden teacher?
Golden Teacher Psilocybe cubensis, a well-known strain of psychedelic mushrooms, has been a favourite among mycologists and psychedelic mushroom spores researchers for decades. Golden Teacher mushroom spores are often what comes to mind when someone mentions “magic mushrooms,” second in popularity possibly only to the B+ spore strain. Golden Teacher Spore Syringe, Golden Teacher Mushrooms Spores
What is the potency of golden instructor spores?
Golden Teachers spores possess moderate virulence. The Golden Teacher liquid culture results are a fantastic psychedelic mushroom strain for beginners to begin their study and voyage into the world of psilocybe cubensis spores, according to the majority of users. Our Golden Teachers Spores Grow Kit contains high-quality spores. Golden Teacher Spore Syringe, Golden Teacher Mushrooms Spores
What is the suggested serving size for dried Golden instructor mushrooms?
The suggested dosage range for dried Golden Teacher mushrooms is 1 to 2.5 grammes. This dosage may be relatively tiny for most experienced shroomers, but it provides for a margin of error for newbie shroomers who have never used Golden Teachers.
How much dried Golden teacher should I consume?
Golden instructors have gills that may range from white to reddish brown. The suggested dose range for dried golden instructor mushrooms is 1 to 2.5 grammes. This dosage may be tiny for frequent and expert shroom users, but it provides a margin of error for those who have never consumed these mushrooms. Golden Teacher Mushroom: Important Information
What does a golden teacher mushroom consist of?
Their structure is comprised of a hollow, base-thickened stipe. Golden instructors have gills that may range from white to reddish brown. The suggested dose range for dried golden instructor mushrooms is 1 to 2.5 grammes. Golden Teacher Mushroom: All the Information You Need.
What is the golden instructor strain of Magic Mushrooms?
The Golden Teacher magic mushroom strain is a psilocybe cubensis, a psychedelic mushroom species whose primary active constituents are psilocybin and psilocin. The p. cubensis species is the most popular psilocybin mushroom due to its widespread distribution and ease of cultivation using a magic mushroom grow kit. Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom: All the information you need
What distinguishes Psilocybe mushrooms from Golden teacher mushrooms?
Its actual origins are unclear, but its golden crowns with yellow flecks make it easily identifiable. Golden Teachers feature longer stems and crowns than the majority of Psilocybe cubensis strains and an overall more attractive look. The suggested dosage range for dried Golden Teacher mushrooms is 1 to 2.5 grammes.
Why are Golden teacher mushrooms so popular?
Golden Teacher spores are favoured by cultivators because they produce excellent flushes. And psychonauts like them since their psychedelic experience is renowned for having a deep effect. The Golden Teacher magic mushroom strain is a psilocybe cubensis, a psychedelic mushroom species whose primary active constituents are psilocybin and psilocin.
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