Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn


Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn online. Hericium erinaceus. A 6-lb bag of colonized lion’s mane grain spawn. Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn Online. Lions Mane Mushroom grows in large snowball like formations. The mushroom is white, sometimes browning if the spines are damaged or with age. Individual mushrooms can be quite large, sometimes weighing over 1 lb. The spines or “teeth” start out quite small, but elongate with age.


Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn online

Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn online. Hericium erinaceus. A 6-pound package of colonized grain spawn from lion’s mane. Online retailer of Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn. The Lion’s Mane mushroom grows in snowball-like clusters. The mushroom is white, perhaps becoming brown if the spines are destroyed or if it is old. Individual mushrooms may be fairly enormous, weighing over 1 pound on occasion.

The spines or “teeth” are initially fairly short but get longer with maturity. The mushroom is occasionally semi-hollow and spongy. Growing plants are susceptible to direct spraying and bruise readily. Online retailer of Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn.

Natural Habitat:

Lions Mane is most commonly found on dead and decaying hardwood logs, most often in the fall throughout North America. Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn Online.

Difficulty of Cultivation:



Lions Mane is unique on Agar. It rarely grows out to the edge of the plate, but instead form little glacier like formations emanating from the initial wedge. Long teeth grow out from the wedge in all directions. The mycelium is also slow to take off initially. Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn online.

Spawn Types:

Grains, especially Rye grain. Watch Lions Mane grain spawn very closely, as it has the tendency to start fruiting well before full colonization. Lions Mane grain spawn needs to be shaken often to ensure full colonization of the spawn. Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn Online.

The mycelium can look thin and whispy, so close inspection is required. It can sometimes look like colonization is incomplete even though its fully colonized.

Substrate Types:

Lions Mane grows best on supplemented hardwood sawdust. Supplement with wheat bran at 10-20%. Higher spawn rates are effective with Lions Mane, increasing the chances that full colonization will take place. Lion’s Mane will also grow well on the “master’s mix”. Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn Online.

Fruiting Containers:

Using large autoclavable filter patch grow bags to form a fruiting block. Once total colonization is achieved, fruit by slicing little “x’s” in the bag at the place of primordia, or where the Lion’s Mane starts to fruit on its own. Do not cut off the top of the bag. More holes will produce more fruits that are smaller, whereas fewer holes will produce fewer fruits that are larger. Distributor of Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn online.


More than 2 lbs of Lions Mane can be harvested from a single 5 lb fruiting block over multiple flushes. Some individual fruits can weigh well over one pound.


Using a sharp knife, cut the “snowball” close to the bag to collect Lion’s Mane. Handle the fruit with utmost caution so as not to damage the spines. If the mushroom is handled with care, it will retain its freshness substantially longer in the refrigerator.

Distributor of Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn online. Leave the fruiting block without repunching the bag in the grow chamber. There will be following flushes in which fruits will appear in the same locations as previous fruits. Online retailer of Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn.


It may be difficult to fully colonize Lion’s Mane. Some growers have had more success while using Liquid Culture techniques. Mycelium grows slowly and seldom in a natural circular pattern on agar. Mushrooms are easily harmed, thus care must be used while spraying the grow chamber and especially during harvesting. If handled properly, Lion’s Mane may be refrigerated for an extended period of time. Distributor of Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn online.


Lion’s Mane is a very diverse culinary pleasure. It enhances meat in several dishes, especially chicken. It has a texture similar to a sponge and absorbs the flavor of whatever it is cooked in. Simply cut the mushrooms in half lengthwise and sauté them in a pan. When cooked in a pan and covered with melted butter, many believe the Lion’s Mane mushroom to be an excellent alternative for lobster. It is claimed that the Lion’s Mane fungus has medicinal properties and enhances cognitive abilities by stimulating neuron formation and regeneration. It is sold at health food stores. Distributor of Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn online.

The Specifics

Spawn Run:

Incubate at room temperature for 10-14 days. Watch closely for whispy and thin colonization, and early primordia formation. Shake Often.

Initiate Pinning:

Pinning usually starts on its own. Lower temperature to 15 deg C. Cut holes in the grow bags and place in grow room. Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn online.

Fruit Development:

Temperatures between 15-20 deg C. Humidity at 90%. Ensure not to spray fruits directly when misting. Fresh air requirements are relatively low. Buy Lion’s Mane Grain Spawn Online.

Are Lion’s Mane sawdust mushrooms good for farming?

Though slightly harder to get flushes than oysters or shiitake, they are still a great outdoor mushroom for intermediate growers. They colonize quickly and are relatively reliable producers. Lion’s mane sawdust spawn is only recommended for log projects. Sawdust spawn is ideal for larger log projects of 10 or more logs.

What is a lion’s mane?

Lion’s Mane ( Hericium erinaceus) is a nutritious medicinal mushroom that produces plump white clusters with icicle-like teeth. When cooked, it has a consistency and flavor similar to crab meat. Though slightly harder to get flushes than oysters or shiitake, they are still a great outdoor mushroom for intermediate growers.

Do you sell spawn&grow kits in Australia?

Expand your knowledge with our articles for beginners and experienced cultivators alike. We are currently supplying spawn & grow kits within Australia only. Shop our online store for a selection of mushroom grow kits, grain spawn, growing supplies and merchandise for mycophiles.

What is the best Spawn for my log project?

Lion’s Mane spawn comes in three distinct styles: Plug Spawn – Great for first time mushroom log growers. Used for small projects. 1-10 logs. Sawdust Spawn – Used for larger mushroom log projects, or by those wanting to inoculate logs every year. Used for small to large enthusiast or commercial projects. Best for inoculating 10 or more logs.

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