Mega Phoenix Oyster Growing Kit


Buy Mega Phoenix Oyster Growing Kit online. The phoenix oyster, also known as the summer oyster or Italian oyster, is another popular oyster mushroom to cultivate at home or on a commercial mushroom farm. Each 10-pound phoenix oyster growing kit may produce 3-5 pounds of fresh phoenix oyster mushrooms during its lifespan.


Buy Mega Phoenix Oyster Growing Kit online.

Buy Mega Phoenix Oyster Growing Kit online. The phoenix oyster, also known as the summer oyster or Italian oyster, is another popular oyster mushroom to cultivate at home or on a commercial mushroom farm. Each 10-pound phoenix oyster growing kit may produce 3-5 pounds of fresh phoenix oyster mushrooms during its lifespan.

Ideal growth conditions for the oyster mushroom kit black pearl:

The optimal temperature range for fruiting this phoenix oyster growing kit is 75 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit with 85 percent relative humidity. The moniker “summer oyster” derives from the mushroom’s capacity to produce fruit amid the summer’s high temperatures.


Phoenix oyster mushrooms need light to grow, although they do not require a substantial quantity of light, and the light the kit gets should not be direct sunlight. If you can easily read a book in the location of your kit, then it is getting sufficient light to thrive. Buy Mega Phoenix Oyster Growing Kit online.


The phoenix oyster growing kit must be sprayed with water twice or three times every day in order to maintain a high degree of relative humidity. As stated before, optimal relative humidity is around 85 percent. After approximately a week, little baby phoenix oyster mushrooms will begin to develop; this is known as the pinning stage. These young mushrooms will reach maturity in around two weeks after the kit is started.

If you have trouble maintaining the required humidity level, you may create a humidity tent by putting a second plastic bag over your equipment. This plastic bag sprayed with water can also assist increase humidity levels. If you opt to use a tent of this kind, ensure that your phoenix oyster growing kit can still get fresh air, since the interchange of fresh air is also essential to mushroom production.

You may also use a plastic tote or bucket if you choose not to use a plastic bag. Place your phoenix oyster growing kit in the plastic container with the lid removed. To keep the sides of the tote moist, mist them. Keep the equipment away from any standing water that may collect in the bottom of your bag.

Using a tote with the phoenix oyster growing kit inside and a small fan blowing over the bag’s top has been a way adopted by many home growers to boost humidity levels inside when using a phoenix oyster growing kit. Buy Mega Phoenix Oyster Growing Kit online.

CO2 and Windspeed:

As discussed before, mushrooms need a constant supply of fresh air to develop properly. If the fruiting bodies seem strange, there is likely a need for more ventilation in the area where the kit is situated. During the fruiting period, adjusting the airflow will help the mushrooms normalize.

Making holes in your equipment:

Before you begin misting your phoenix oyster mushroom growing kit, you must cut holes in the plastic container. You may directly sprinkle the substrate via the holes you create. We suggest utilizing the kit’s wide side to make holes for your first flush. In successive flushes, you may choose to utilize the kit’s top or bottom. Fresh mushrooms will grow towards these holes in search of a more oxygenated environment.

Recipes using the phoenix oyster mushroom

A sauté with garlic and green onions is a wonderful and straightforward way to prepare phoenix oyster mushrooms. This recipe takes little time to prepare or cook. Begin by gathering your materials. One pound of Phoenix oysters, four green onions, four garlic cloves, olive oil, salt, and pepper are required.

First, mince the garlic and cut the scallions. Start by heating the olive oil over a heat source of medium intensity. Get the oil hot, but not to the point of smoking. Once the oil is heated, add the garlic before adding the phoenix oysters. The mushrooms, onions, and garlic should be cooked for a few minutes.

After a few minutes, the heat may be reduced to low. It is now time to season with salt and pepper. Continue to mix the ingredients in the pan. You should simmer the mushrooms for around 10 minutes total. Add half of your green onions around the eight-minute mark, and then add the other half of your green onions at the end to give the meal a unique texture and taste. This meal complements any fish or beef dish.

You may also cultivate phoenix oysters using spawn.

Want to cultivate Phoenix oyster mushrooms on your own medium? We have accessible grain spawn and sawdust spawn of phoenix oyster mushrooms. Buy Mega Phoenix Oyster Growing Kit online.


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