Buy Misting bottle Online
Buy Misting bottle Online. The watter spray or misting bottle is your friend to keep up humidity in your mushroom grow kit. Turn the nozzle to adjust the spray to make a fine mist that can be absorbed by the substrate and the mushrooms.
For use with: All mushroom grow kits and plants
The humidity within a mushroom grow kit must remain high in order to encourage pinning and for the growing mycelium to retain as much water as it can hold. The relative humidity (RH) of the air around fruiting mycelium should be at least 90%.
Buy Misting bottle Online. A
can be used to measure RH, but you can gauge relative humidity by examining water condensation on the walls of the mushroom grow bagThe mycelium itself can create and maintain its own humidity relatively well, especially once it has fully colonized and fruit bodies are starting to grow. However, there are many different techniques which can be used to aid in maintaining proper humidity, like misting. Buy Misting bottle Online.
Misting is commonly used in order to replenish humidity after fanning for fresh air or to replenish the moisture in casing layers. Mycelium and fruit bodies should never be directly sprayed with water. Buy Misting bottle Online
Humidity levels
The Humidity levels needed in a grow kit are difffernet in every state of the growcycle of the mushroom.
Humidity during pinning : 97-100%
Humidity during fruiting/ cropping : 90-95%
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