Psilocybe Caerulipes


Psilocybe caerulipes, commonly known as blue-foot, is a rare psilocybin mushroom of the family Hymenogastraceae, having psilocybin and psilocin as main active compounds. An older synonym is Agaricus caerulipes.

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Buy Psilocybe Caerulipes Online

Buy Psilocybe Caerulipes Online. Psilocybe Caerulipes commonly known as blue-foot, is a rare psilocybin mushroom of the Strophariaceae family, having psilocybin and psilocin as main active compounds. An older synonym is Agaricus caerulipes. It is in the section Semilanceatae.

Cap: 1 — 3.5 cm in diameter, obtusely conic to convex, margin initially tured inwards, later becoming broadly convex to flattened or somewhat umbilicate while retaining a slight umbo at times quite irregular, surface viscid when moist from a gelatinous pellicle but soon becoming dry and shiny translucent-striate, and decorated with fine fibrillose veil remnants near the margin, often with greenish stains near the margin or a greenish tinge overall. Cinnamon brown to dingy brown when fresh hygrophanous and soon fading to dingy ochraceous buff to cinnamon buff. Flesh thin, pliant, bruising blue, sometimes slowly. Buy Psilocybe Caerulipes Online

Gills: Close to crowded, narrow with adnate to sinuate to uncinate attachment. They are light brown at first, becoming rusty cinnamon as the spores mature, edges whitish and slightly fimbriate.

Spores: Dark purple brown, ellipsoid, 7 — 10 × 4 — 5 µm from 4-spored basidia, thick walled, with a broad germ pore. Spores from 2-spored basidia are larger.

Grow of psilocybe caerulipes

Buy Psilocybe Caerulipes Online. The mushroom grows in grassland habitats, especially wetter areas. But unlike P. cubensis, the fungus does not grow directly on dung; rather, it is a saprobic species that feeds off decaying grass roots. It is widely distributed in the temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in Europe, and has been reported occasionally in temperate areas of the Southern Hemisphere as well. The earliest reliable history of P. semilanceata intoxication dates back to 1799 in London, and in the 1960s the mushroom was the first European species confirmed to contain psilocybin.

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1 lb, 1 Oz, 1/2 lb, 1/4 lb


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