Blue Meanie Mushroom Spores


Blue Meanie mushroom spores online. The Blue Meanie spores syringe microscope kit includes 10ml of individually packed, real Blue Meanie spores in a syringe, as well as a sterile needle. In Idaho, Georgia, and California, sales will decline.

Blue Meanie mushroom spores are ONLY used for microscopy and taxonomy. The shown photographs are for educational purposes solely and are sourced from growers and laboratories outside the United States. Many nations, including the United States, prohibit cultivation. This website’s purpose is not the cultivation of psilocybin cubensis mushrooms.


Buy Blue Meanie Mushroom Spores online.

Buy Blue Meanie Mushroom Spores online. The Blue Meanie spores syringe microscope kit includes 10ml of individually packed, real Blue Meanie spores in a syringe, as well as a sterile needle. In Idaho, Georgia, and California, sales will accepted.

Blue Meanie mushroom spores are ONLY used for microscopy and taxonomy. The shown photographs are for educational purposes solely and are sourced from growers and laboratories outside the United States. Many nations, including the United States, prohibit cultivation. This website’s purpose is not the cultivation of psilocybin cubensis mushrooms. You requested it, and we provided it.

Blue Meanie is one of the most sought-after strains among amateur microscopy enthusiasts because to its overall resilience and incredibly strong instructional potential. If you are seeing this page when we have a spore strain in stock, we recommend you to make your purchase as soon as possible, since they are highly likely. In the meanwhile, let’s discover more about this strain. What precisely makes it so obnoxious?

  • Classification: Hallucinogenic
  • Cultivation Difficulty: Moderate
  • Substrates: Equine dung and Enriched soils
  • Temperature: Moderate
  • Strain Origin: Unknown

Blue Meanies grow in many tropical areas, including Malaysia, India, and Australia. In Ideal conditions, these mushrooms have an alkaloid content of 0.13% to 0.38%. Buy Blue Meanie Mushroom Spores online.

Why Are They Called Blue Meanies?

When psilocybin comes in contact with air, it oxidizes and turns into another chemical. The chemical reaction gives the mushrooms a blue tint. Since Blue Meanies are known for their potency in terms of psilocybin, they many seem bluer than others.

Mycologists are not sure why Blue Meanies are so potent when it comes to psilocybin. They assumed that fruiting temperature caused changes in the levels of active compounds, but further studies showed this was incorrect. Several factors contribute to potency levels, such as genetics and environmental conditions of the mushroom itself (soil conditions, etc.). Buy Blue Meanie Mushroom Spores online.

Visual Characteristics

The body grows in clusters between 2 and 6 inches tall on dead hardwood trees. The diameter of the cap is between 0.5 and 1 inch. It begins as a pale yellow or white hue before rapidly transforming into a dark blue, ochre, or purplish-gray hue. The stem is tall, slender, brown/white, and hairy slightly under the cap. Buy Blue Meanie Mushroom Spores online.

What’s included?

Included in each container is a 10ml Luer lock syringe. Before filling the syringe, the spores are put under aseptic conditions with sterilized water. The syringe is then firmly sealed with a cap. You will also get a 1.5-inch-long, sterile 18-gauge needle. The needle features a Luer-lock tip, allowing it to be linked to the syringe for simple spore transfer.


The cultivation of psilocybin-containing mushrooms is prohibited in the United States. These spores are supplied only for microscopy and forensic applications. Other uses are absolutely prohibited by law. Blue Meanies are not one of the species that are excluded from this regulation as of this writing.

What is the significance of the name “Blue Meanie Strain” for this mushroom strain?

The Blue Meanie spore strain derives its name from the fungus’s wild characteristics. The flesh of a mature psilocybin mushroom fruiting body includes a large quantity of the hallucinogenic chemical. The Blue Meanie strain, like other psilocybin mushrooms, bruises with a distinct hue, in this instance blue.

Some cubensis mushrooms turn green or purple when damaged. Blue, however, suggests a high psilocybin concentration, therefore Blue Meanies spores are strong in this aspect. The coloring visible during bruising is the result of a chemical interaction between psilocybin and oxygen. The page How to Identify Psilocybin Mushrooms has further information on the coloring and bruising of psilocybin mushrooms.

How a Warm, Tropical Climate Produces the Blue Meanie Strain’s Strong, Contaminant-Resistant Fungi Genetics

The Blue Meanie spore strain is indigenous to the southeast of Australia. If you have ever been there, you are aware that it is a very warm, tropical location with intense competition from other fungus and plants. This is why the Blue Meanie strain is so resilient; it must be in order to live in its natural habitat in the wild.

Due to its resilient rhizomorphic mycelium, this strain will rapidly colonize in the wild. This finally results in an abundance of ripe fruiting bodies and many flushes. Due to its high psilocybin concentration, the mature mushroom is, as previously said, highly strong despite its average size. Under a microscope, Blue Meanie spores reveal the predecessors of these traits. The Blue Meanie spore strain provides the possibility for amateur microscopists to examine spores of a fungus that has evolved to thrive in a hostile competitive environment.

How to Find Out More About Blue Meanie Psilocybin Mushroom Spores

If you would want to understand more about psilocybin mushroom spores, such as Golden Teacher spores or the strong Blue Meanie strain, we welcome you to peruse the additional material we’ve compiled for you. Learn more about amateur microscopy as a starting point. Then, we explore some of our legal thoughts in the essay Why Are Magic Mushroom Spores Legal? Finally, have a look at our often updated blog, The Psilocybe Philosophy.

Please submit your order with assurance. Our Blue Meanies mushroom spores originate from a well-known provider of exotic mushroom spores to the amateur microscopy community. All spore syringes are packed with spores—never underfilled, as you may have experienced with other vendors—and are guaranteed to be genuine and free of contaminants.


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