Buy Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Golden Teacher by Mondo online


Buy Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Golden Teacher by Mondo online. The Golden Teacher psilocybe cubensis is a great mushroom for starters. The G.T. magic mushroom spore is a slow colonizer with rizomorphic mycelium. But the colonizing already happened! The Golden Teacher will fruit flush after flush on a Brown rice flower (BRF) substrate. The beautiful golden colored mushroom caps and its wise teachings has given the Golden Teacher its name. The Golden teachers mushrooms grow medium sized to huge when in the right conditions.


Buy Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Golden Teacher by Mondo online

Buy Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Golden Teacher by Mondo online. The newest generation of Mondo® Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom grow kits is the culmination of years of preparation and testing. Mondo® Grow Kit Golden Teacher is now even better as ever. When compared to the previous generation of Psilocybe cubensis Mondo® Golden Teacher Grow Kit, the new version has:

  • More mushrooms, larger yields
  • *Additional flushes
  • Resistance to contamination is improved.
  • Instructions are different, but they are simpler.
  • *Some strains have a higher flush rate than others. The biggest flushes are the first three.

Meet the new industry standard for easy-to-grow kits.

The Psilocybe cubensis Mondo® Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom grow kit differs differently from other grow kits you’ve tried. This is only seen in the substrate formula and is a well guarded secret. Even with us, no!

You do not need to utilize any more spores, as you did with the prior and other quick grow kits. The spores evolved into mycelium within the substrate (the cake) in the grow box during the laboratory procedure. The mycelium has colonized the substrate completely and is ready to produce mushrooms. Buy Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Golden Teacher by Mondo online

How to properly store the grow kit

It is suggested that you begin the cultivation process as soon as possible. If you want to start growing later, keep the grow kit in the refrigerator for 2 weeks (2°C to 8°C). To begin, place the grow kit in a plastic shopping bag and seal it tightly. Buy Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Golden Teacher by Mondo online


  • 1x grow box – This includes active mycelium substrate (the cake)
  • 1x grow bag with a micron filter to keep impurities out
  • 1x paperclip to secure the grow bag

You’ll need

Misting Bottle – Misting is required to keep the humidity level at a comfortable level.
For misting and soaking, use potable water.
Work in a clean environment to prevent contamination by other fungus and bacteria (micro organisms).

We suggest that you use

  • Gloves for surgery
  • Facemask
  • Hands-on-disinfectant
  • Disinfectant for a variety of surfaces
  • Thermo mat (when room temperature falls below 18°C) Soaking Bag Thermometer

How to get the space and yourself ready before you start

  • Any windows that are open should be closed. Microorganisms may be introduced to the Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ Magic
  • Mushroom grow kit via wind or draft.
  • Place the grow box with the cake on a cleaned surface after removing it from the carton box.
  • Microorganisms may stick to the grow box if this surface is not clean, flourishing within the Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ Magic Mushroom grow kit and contaminating the grow box.
  • Make sure your hands and arms are clean while you’re working.
  • When handling the kit, we suggest wearing medical gloves or a strong disinfectant. To prevent breathing into the grow bag and onto the cake, use a facemask.

Getting the process started

  • Fill the container with clean, drinkable water. Close the grow box completely and immerse it for 12 hours.
  • After 12 hours, drain the excess water from the grow box.
  • In the grow bag, place the grow box. The bag’s open end should face upwards.
  • The grow box’s lid should be removed. Rinse and put the lid in the carton box.
  • Do not cover the micron filter by folding the open end of the grow bag twice.
  • To keep the bag closed, place the paperclip on the fold. The Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ Magic Mushroom grow kit is now complete and ready to use.

Place the Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ Magic Mushroom grow kit on top of the ziploc with lid inside the carton box. The Mondo® Golden Teacher magic mushroom grow kit instructions may be read, downloaded, or seen online. Buy Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Golden Teacher by Mondo online


The optimal temperature is 24 degrees Celsius. The temperature should not go below 18°C and should not rise over 29°C. You may use a Thermo Heatingmat to prevent the temperature from falling below 18 degrees Celsius. In the winter or in colder parts of the globe, a thermo mat is a must-have.


Only light is required for the mycelium in the Psilocybe cubensis Mondo® Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Grow Kit to ‘understand’ that it has reached the surface. Mushrooms will only grow after that. It’s more than adequate to have a few hours of fluorescent/artificial light or indirect sunshine every day. Because direct sunlight kills mycelium, keep the grow kit out of direct sunlight.

Misting / Water

You start misting the day after you start the procedure. Remove the paperclip from the grow bag to open it. Spray one time against each side of the bag, rather than directly on the cake. So you mist four times every day. Fresh oxygen is also pumped into the bag by misting. Close the bag with the paperclip immediately after misting.


The first little mushrooms (the pins) should develop between 5 and 16 days if the circumstances are ideal. This, too, is contingent on the tension. Some strains of Cubensis develop more slowly than others.


The mushrooms appear in clusters. This group might be tiny or huge. That is contingent on the tension. A flush is a kind of growth like this. Mushrooms don’t always ripen at the same time. A flush kit may be used for several flushes. The first and second flushes are the most significant. More flushes will follow, but they will be smaller than the last.


When the veil between the cap and stem has just begun to separate, mushrooms are ripe and ready to be harvested. Do not delay any longer. Using medical gloves or disinfectant, one should disinfect the hands, wrists, and arms.

Select the ripe mushrooms and let the remainder to mature. To remove the mushrooms from the cake, hold the base of each mushroom with your thumb and index finger. Rotate your hand slowly counterclockwise until the mushroom releases. It is not a good idea to extract the mushrooms. This might be harmful to the mycelium and cause it to perish. After collecting the bulk of the larger mushrooms, proceed to gather the smaller ones and the pins.

Mushrooms that sprout from the sides of the building

Mushrooms thrive where the sun shines and there is minimal barrier to penetration. Because the cake has light shining on it from all sides, mushrooms may grow there as well. It is difficult to counteract this, and it is permissible. To keep the edges of the grow box dark, some gardeners cover them in aluminum foil, although this doesn’t always work.

Mushrooms may be harvested shortly before soaking the kit if they grow there:

Hands are clean! Remove the grow box from the bag and set it on your other hand, upside down. Wiggle the plastic box until the cake falls out and lands on your hand. The plastic box may be disinfected by placing it on a clean surface. You may now use this hand to pluck the mushrooms off the cake’s sides. When all of the mushrooms have been selected, return the cake to its original location in the plastic box and finish the soaking procedure.


After you’ve harvested all of the mushrooms, you’ll need to get the kit ready for the next flush. Remove the grow box from the grow bag with cleaned hands or gloves once again. Fill the container with clean, drinkable water. Remove the ziploc bag’s lid and use it to shut the grow box. Wrap the closed grow box with a soaking bag or your own clean plastic shopping bag.

Close it tightly and store it in the refrigerator for 12 hours (2°C to 8°C). This is referred to as the soaking procedure. The cake will now be soaked in water, preparing it for the next flush.

You may hang the grow bag with micronfilter upside down to dry while it’s soaking. Hang it upside down to prevent bacteria from getting inside the bag. After each flush, many growers like to use fresh and unused grow bags. Remove the soaking bag with the grow box from the fridge after 12 hours and unpack it.

After that, flush

To proceed, repeat steps 3–7 as you did when starting the procedure for the first time. A fresh flush will occur a few days later. A Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ Magic mushroom grow kit will yield at least two or three flushes. You may get more flushes out of a kit if you have cultivating experience.

The conclusion

When no additional mushrooms grow out of a grow kit for at least three weeks following the second flush, or when the Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ Magic Mushroom grow kit becomes green, red, grey, or yellow, it may be discarded. The color shift indicates that the grow kit has been compromised by another fungus or bacterium. The Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ Magic mushroom grow kit will no longer produce mushrooms, and the grow kit should be discarded outdoors.


The mushrooms will spill their spores if you pluck them too late. Because of the spores, the cake and mushrooms will become black/purple (some other cubensis strains may turn red/brown). This isn’t a major issue; it simply doesn’t seem very appealing. When mushrooms release spores, they begin to disintegrate, and the active compounds begin to decay as well. Mushrooms will lose part of their power as a result of this.

Consider your options.
More information about dos and don’ts may be found on the responsible usage page. This kit is solely intended for small-scale home usage.

With the Golden Teacher, how simple is it to produce mushrooms?

Follow the enlightened path of the Golden Teacher magic mushrooms when you have questions that need answers. It’s simple to grow mushrooms with the Golden Teacher XP Fresh Mushrooms Grow Kits. Thanks to a fully colonized substrate with no fillers, these kits are entirely maintenance-free. FreshMushrooms® Golden Teacher XP magic mushroom grow kit

What kind of magic mushroom growing kit should I get?

A Golden Teacher magic mushroom grow kit is the first choice, which is suitable for cultivators who wish to produce mushrooms quickly and easily. We have a second alternative for the farmer who wishes to modify the cultivating procedure to maximize yield: Golden Teacher spores. Have you gotten your first fresh harvest? Learn how to dry and preserve magic mushrooms in our post! Everything you need to know about the Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom

What is the strain of golden instructor Magic Mushroom?

The Golden Teacher magic mushroom strain is a psilocybe cubensis, a psychedelic mushroom species with psilocybin and psilocin as its principal active ingredients. Because they are widely spread and simple to produce using a magic mushroom grow kit, the p. cubensis species is the most well-known psilocybin mushroom. Magic Mushroom of the Golden Teacher

What is the best way to utilize MagicMagic mushrooms?

Mushrooms with Magical Properties This helps you to develop McSmart’s old familiar quality. All you have to do now is add water and follow the directions. The grow kit, a grow bag with air filters, and two paper clips are all included in the All-in-One grow kit. The grow kits come in three sizes: 250cc, 1200cc, and 2100cc.

What is a golden educator enchanted mushroom?

The Golden Teacher’s name is derived from the golden hue of its mushroom caps and its profound lessons. In optimal circumstances, Golden instructors mushrooms may attain sizes ranging from moderate to enormous. The newest generation of Mondo® Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom grow kits is the culmination of many years of development and testing. Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Grow Kit by Mondo® | available for purchase.

Is the Golden teacher Mondo® grow kit better as ever?

The Mondo® Grow Kit Golden Teacher is now superior than its previous state. The second generation of the Psilocybe cubensis Mondo® Golden Teacher Grow Kit is superior to the previous generation in the following ways: *some strains generate more flushes than others. Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Grow Kit by Mondo® | available for purchase.

Why has the color of my Golden instructor magic mushroom grow kit changed?

This indicates that the grow kit has been infected with another fungus or bacterium. The Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ magic mushroom grow kit will no longer produce mushrooms, and it should be discarded in the rubbish outdoors. Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Grow Kit by Mondo® | available for purchase.

How to cultivate the Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden instructor’ enchanted mushroom?

The Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ Magic Mushroom grow kit is now available for cultivation. Place the Psilocybe cubensis ‘Golden Teacher’ grow kit inside the carton box, on top of the ziploc with lid. Read, download, or see the Mondo® Golden Teacher magic mushroom grow kit instructions. 24°C is the optimal temperature.


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