
Chestnut Mushroom Plugs


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Buy Chestnut Mushroom Plugs Online


Buy Chestnut Mushroom Plugs Online. Pholiota adiposa: A popular cultivated mushroom in Japan, the Chestnut mushroom has small brown caps resembling the color of their namesake nut.

Plug Spawn – Great for first time mushroom log growers. They are usually used for small projects of 1-10 logs, though some log cultivators will use them for larger projects. Plug Spawn comes in 100, 500, and 1000 ct. bags.

Check out our Spawn FAQ to figure out what type of logs you need!

Inoculation: Chestnuts work well with the Stump and Log methods on maple and oak logs. After a 1-year colonization period above ground, Chestnut logs may be buried under 2 inches of top soil. Mushrooms fruit from logs and will emerge from the soil. *CHESTNUTS HAVE POISONOUS LOOK ALIKES, BE SURE TO PROPERLY IDENTIFY THEM! BE FAMILIAR WITH THE DEADLY Galerina autumnalis. Buy Chestnut Mushroom Plugs Online.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Buy Chestnut Mushroom Plugs Online. Chestnut mushrooms aren’t too difficult to cultivate, but pose some minor challenges with identification. Not a great mushroom for first time cultivators or those unfamiliar with how to properly identify different mushrooms species. However, this species can be quite rewarding to grow and can be produced commercially.

Cooking: Once cultivated, the Chestnut mushroom has a full flavor that is evoked with thorough cooking. We recommend you use its rich, nutty flavor as a compliment to autumn soups.  Buy Chestnut Mushroom Plugs Online.

Properties: The Chestnut mushroom has medicinal qualities that inhibit tumor and microbial growth. In one study conducted on lab mice, polysaccharides taken from Chestnut mushroom mycelium reduced the growth of cancerous tumors by about 60% (Ohtsuka et al., 1973). Buy Chestnut Mushroom Plugs Online. Acting as an antimicrobial, an extract of Chestnut mushroom was shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria including E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus (Dulger et al., 2002).

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