Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens

(1 customer review)


Hawaiian Copelandia magic mushroom grow kit is the myceliumbox that will grow you Panaeolus Cyanescens shrooms.

Also known as Copelandia Cyanescens the Hawaiian Copelandia grows small grey – white mushrooms. Their long thin stems and small caps make them look like nothing out there.

Hawaiian Copelandia potency is 3-4 times higher then Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, and they contains more psilocin. Expect a spiritual, visionary and highly visual..like a dmt trip in a mushroom!

Now it’s possible to grow your own!


Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens

Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens. Hawaiian Copelandia magic mushroom grow kit. aka Panaeolus Cyanescens, Copelandia Cyanescens Copelandia papilionacea or Psilocybe Cyanescens (false!)… You name them as you like!

You know it must be different if a species is called so many names. The official names are Panaeolus Cyanescens and Copelandia Cyanescens. The Copelandia is very potent, compared to the psilocybe cubensis the Hawaiian Copelandia is even 4-6 times stronger. And gives a vivid visual and clean trip.

Hawaiian Copelandia grow kit

How to grow Hawaiian Copelandia? This has been a quest for years. It’s hard, but now you can give growing Panaeolus Cyanescens a chance with this easy to use grow kit. A few key factors are important:

  • Work clean !
  • Lots of fresh air : Air the kit, twice a day
  • High Humidity : Moist the grow kit twice a day
  • Do not spray on the pins or mushrooms

Warning: Due cold storage the substrate can have some blue and green spots upon arrival. This does not mean that your kit is contaminated. Just send a picture of the kit to the Support and we can help you determinate if it is something else. Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens.

Contents of the Hawaiian Copelandia grow kit

  • Mycelium box 1200 ml with Panaeolus Cyanescens, Hawaiian strain
  • Topsoil (casing layer) black earth like substance
  • Grow bag
  • Paperclip

Additional items

    • Water spray / Misting bottle
    • Gloves
    • Face Mask

Hawaiian Copelandia grow kit Instructions

Work clean !

Clean your work area and wash your hands Use gloves and a face mask if you have them. Work with your arms stretched so the kit is an arms length a way form you. This way  you can not breath or cough on the kit or in the grow bag. Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens.

Start your Hawaiian Copelandia grow kit:

  1. Take out the contents of the kit. The substrate container, topsoil (casing layer) container, the growbag (humidity bag) the paperclip
  2. Spread the black top soil (casing layer) over the substrate, smooth it out evenly over the surface.
  3. Put the kit in the grow bag
  4. Mist the top soil layer, until it is wet but not soaked.
  5. Add fresh air and close the bag with the paper clip.
  6. Every day spray the surface of the grow kit and add fresh air by squeezing the bag and then opening it again, allowing new air to come inside.
  7. 5 – 17 days after starting your Copelandia grow kit,, pins will begin to form (small mushrooms)
  8. DO NOT SPRAY the pins or mushrooms directly. but take the mushroom grow kit out, add fresh air, spray the bag lightly, add the kit and close the bag again
  9. 5-7 days after pinning most mushrooms will be grown and ready to pick.
  10. Prepare the kit for the next flush, by misting the top layer with lots of water. Spray until one or to centimeters of water accumulates at the bottom of the grow kit. You can pour the water out of the kit when you the new flush begins to grow.


The set-up or positioning of your Hawaiian Copelandia kit is very important.

  • Your cultivation area should be clean and disinfected.
  • Pick a spot off the ground, preferably between knee and eye height. Or on top of a cupboard
  • Do NOT cultivate in your bathroom, toilet or cellar. These rooms often contain other molds or bacteria.
  • Do NOT put the kit in a box, container or other closed environment. The grow kit needs fresh air and airflow. With no air you will kill the mycelium.
  • Do NOT put the kit in direct sunlight. A bright place in the house is perfect.


Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens. Fruiting temperature for the Panaeolus Cyanescens mushrooms is around 24 degrees Celsius, more or less the same as you grow psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. If you keep ypur grow kit around that temperature the kit will flourish. We notice that if the kit cultivation temperature is lower then 19 degrees the kit will not preform as good.

  • Colonization temperature 26-29°C
  • Fruiting temperature 23-26°C

Fresh Air Exchange (FAE)

The mycelium and mushrooms need fresh air to develop. that is why it is important to air the grow bag 2 times a day. You can add the fresh air by doing the following:

  • Close your doors and windows to avoid draft
  • Clean your hands or use gloves
  • Open the grow bag, by removing the clip and unfolding the top.
  • Now squeeze the bag and open it to add the fresh air.
  • Do this 3-4 times and the kit will have enough fresh air for the day
  • Fold the top and close it with the clips
  • Air the kit in the mornings and at night.


After adding fresh air it is time to increase the humidity in the grow bag. This can be done by misting the top soil of the kit and the inside of the grow bag. Make it moist not wet.

Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens. When the first small mushroom form in the grow kit, take the substrate kit out of the humidity bag, and spray in the bag only! The Hawaiian Copelandia mushrooms do not like to get wet and will stop growing. Never spray on the mushrooms.


The perfect time to harvest your Hawaiian Copelandia kit is about  24-36 hours after the Panaeolus Cyanescens mushrooms drops their spores. The caps turn a bit grayish white.You will see some black spores on the caps too. Time to pick your mushrooms!

Unlike the psilocybe cubensis the Panaeolus Cyanescens does not have a veil. The caps just open and drop their spores. Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens.

How to pick the mushrooms from the Copelandia mushroom kit?

Gently knock the Panaeolus Cyanescens mushrooms over, snap them at the base. They will detach themselves form the substrate and are ready for use.

Spore Printing

Panaeolus cyanescens produces a black spore print that at best can be obtained when the caps are opening. This way you can store the genetics of the mushroom strain and research the spores under a microscope.

  • Harvest a mushroom that has it cap open. Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens
  • Cut the cap of the stem
  • Place the cap with the gills down on foil or a microscopy glass
  • Cover the cap and foil with a glass bowl or a contrainer.
  • Wait for 1-2 days
  • Remove the cap from the surface
  • You print is ready!
  • Secure the print by folding the foil and store it in a zip lock bag

Strain information

Panaeolus cyanescens, also known as Copelandia cyanescens and blue meanies are a hallucinogenic mushroom that contains psilocybinserotonin, and urea

Binomial name :Panaeolus cyanescens (Berkeley & Broome) Singer 


Scientific classification

  • Kingdom: Fungi
  • Phylum: Basidiomycota
  • Class:  Hymenomycetes
  • Order:  Agaricales
  • Familly: Bolbitiacaeae
  • Genus: Panaeolus
  • Species: Cyanescens
  • Strain: Hawaiian
  • Habitat: Bovine Dung
  • Climate: Tropical
  • Strain Origin: Hawaii
  • Cap: 10-40 mm in diameter, hemispheric expanding to broadly convex to nearly plane with age. Brownish maturing to grayish white. Flesh readily bruising bluish.
  • Stem: 85-120 mm in length. Typically equal, sometimes slightly enlarged at base. Yellowish to gray bruising bluish.
  • Gills: Attachment adnexed. Mottled grayish coloration in young fruit bodies becoming black in maturity.
  • Spores: Black, lemonshaped on 4-spored basidia
  • Substrate: Dung, straw, compost.



Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens. Panaeolus cyanescens is a coprophilous, dung-inhabiting,  species which grows in tropical and neotropical areas in both hemispheres. It has been found in Africa  Australia, Bali, Belize, Brasil, Borneo, the Caribbean , Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, India, Malaysia, Indonesia , Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Thailand, Europe Japan, Mexico, Oceania (including Fiji and Samoa), the Philippines, South America, Tasmania, and the United States. (source wikipedia)


Not much is know about the history of the Panaeolus cyanescens. There are no archeological findings of the mushrooms. And they often were available next to other more know mushroom species like the psilocybe cubensis and amanita muscaria, probably these were used instead. Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens.

The Panaeolus cyanescens was and still is used in Indonesia both in ritual, celebration and recreational use. Indonesian Batik artist would use the Pan Cyans to get inspiration, explaining the colorful and trippy design of the art.

The mushrooms were given to travelers and when popularity grew in 1980, sold to tourist on Bali, Java and Sumatra.

Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens. On Samoa the Indigenous people would call the mushrooms by different names referring to the state of mind the pan cyans give you or to the way of cultivation. Like Taepovi meaning “cow patty”, Pulouaitu “spirit house”, and Faleaitu meaning “comedy”. Apparently the Samoan youth discovered the psycho active quality’s of the Panaeolus cyanescens mushroom in the 1970’s

During 1990’s the Panaeolus cyanescens appears in the Netherlands spread by home growers and shortly after in ‘smartshops’ under the name Hawaiians or Balinees.

Fun fact is that even the Panaeolus cyanescens are primary from tropical climates, the specimen that was researched for it’s psilocibine was collected from a garden in France. Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens.

Other names for the Panaeolus cyanescens are : Blue meanies, Pan cyan, Hawaiian blue meanies, blauender dungerling, falterdungerling (German), jambur/jamur (Indonesian), tenkech (Chol).

Taxonomy History

Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens. In 1871 the Pan Cyans were named as Agaricus cyanescens by Berkeley and Broome. Years later the name Copelandia papilionacea was given  by Bresadola from the Philippines,; it was then named Copelandia cyanescens by Singer in 1951. The species was named Panaeolus cyanescens by Saccardo in 1887, which is now its official formal name.

Responsible use

Growing mushrooms is not without any risks. Only cultivate mushrooms when it’s allowed in your country.  The grow kits are developed for small home growing and to provide spore prints for research.

The Panaeolus cyanescens are know to have higher concentrations of alkaloids then other mushroom species. Be careful and read our responsible use page on harm reduction. Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens


Buy Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens. Dosing mushrooms  and finding the right dose depends on a few things; the mushrooms species, if the mushrooms are dried or fresh, your weight and the purpose of your trip. Read more about dose calculation, trip levels and safe use before you depart on your magical journey.

Average dosage of Hawaiian Copelandia mushrooms:

  • Threshold dose : 0.15 gram dry / 1-2 gram fresh
  • Light dose: 0,5 grams dry / 4 grams fresh
  • Normal dose: 0,7 grams dry / 7 grams fresh
  • Strong dose: 1,5 grams dry / 12 grams fresh
  • Heavy Dose: 3 grams dry / 20 grams fresh


Active substances in various concentrations  are the following Alkaloids:

  • Psilocybin
  • Psilocin
  • Baeosyctin
  • Tryptophan
  • Tryptamine
  • Serotonin

1 review for Hawaiian Copelandia Magic mushroom grow kit | panaeolus cyanescens

  1. Marcela

    buy gun powder

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