PES Hawaiian psilocybe cubensis spore print


The Hawaiian PES is know to be a fast fruiter that will grow medium to big mushrooms with meaty stems. Unlike the name the Hawaiian PES is not a mushroom indigenous in Hawaii, but it comes from Pacific Exotica Spora company in Hawaii. The exotic origin makes the Hawaiian PES a warm and potent mushroom that an be compared with the Golden Teacher in it’s character.


Buy PES Hawaiian psilocybe cubensis spore print

General information about the Hawaiian PES Psilocybe Strain:

Origin: Unkown, possibly the Amazon.
Caps: Size 25-75+ mm. Dark orange brown to golden brown.
Stem: 40-125 + mm, small to medium in size. White yellow in color. Turns blue when touched.
Spore: Dark purple brown.1.5–17 x 8–11 µm, subellipsoid, basidia 4-spored
Substrate: Brown Rice Flour, PF Tek, Rye grain. Also Dung, Straw and compost.

Comment: Pasicic Exotica Spores stock, the psilocybe cubensis is not indigenous to Hawaii

Mushroom spore print

Buy PES Hawaiian psilocybe cubensis spore print. The mushroom spore prints are made on sterile foil which is stored in sterile ziplock bag and kept under refrigerated conditions. A spore print can have a tiny scratch of spores removed from the print. With this swab a test run on agar or liquid culture is made to check the conditions of the spores. Only spores that germinate are released as a print.

Store a mushroom spore print refrigerated between 2*C-8*C Celsius or 35*F-46*F Fahrenheit. A Spore print can be stored for years. Buy PES Hawaiian psilocybe cubensis spore print.

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